Army of Saint Mary Magdalene
Let us be Announcers of the Good News, like Mary Magdalene!

Army of Saint Mary Magdalene Evangelization Group


The free training that our group offers on the Catholic Faith, provides in-depth and general knowledge for the lay faithful. As it is written in Holy Scripture: "for my people are lost for lack of knowledge." (Os: 4). An ignorant Catholic can get lost in false doctrines and false ideas. We have several resources to study the Doctrine of the Church: The Bible, the catechism, books written by Saints and Doctors of the Church, and the internet itself, which provides an easy study, without having to leave home. That's why we provide these trainings for greater knowledge of Catholics.

Questions about the Group:

How did the Group come about?
Firstly, the Group was created by WhatsApp, and evolved, to create an account on Instagram, and with the creation of the website to defend the Church of Christ and announce the Good News.
Are the trainings free?
For sure! The trainings are free and available to everyone.
What is the Group's objective?
The Group's objective is to defend the Catholic Church and its Doctrine; disseminate the true story of Saint Mary Magdalene, and announce the Gospel.
Can I receive training via email?
Yes! All you need to do is enter your email below.

Purchase the Book on Consecration to Our Lady using the Saint Louis method
To purchase the book: Totus Tuus Marie - I Am Consecrated to Our Lady; and for more information, click on the link below: