Army of Saint Mary Magdalene
Let us be Announcers of the Good News, like Mary Magdalene!

Who are we?
Army of Saint Mary Magdalene Evangelization Group
"Let us be announcers of the Good News, like Mary Magdalene"
The Evangelization Group: Army of Saint Mary Magdalene, is a group that announces the Good News that Jesus is alive and that He has risen. We have the example of Mary Magdalene who obeyed Jesus' command, when Jesus asked her to tell his brothers that He was going to meet the Father. And with all joy, Mary Magdalene went to announce to the disciples that she had seen the Lord! (Jo: 20, 17-18) That is why our motto is the phrase that Saint Mary Magdalene said:"I have seen the Lord!" The Group disseminates the Gospel message; about the Catholic Church; about Our Lady, about the Saints and Saint Mary Magdalene. On this website you will find the history of the Church, the apparitions of Our Lady, the Saints, prayers and much more.